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Upcoming price increase on selected TLDs
Upcoming price increase on selected TLDs [/caption]In the last few years, most of the big names in the web hosting business have been raising their prices. Since 2014, the price of.COM, the most popular TLD in the world, has been steadily going up. <!–more–>

Many other providers have followed suit, either to cover the rising cost of doing business or to keep up with the current rates of inflation around the world.

We’ve always tried to keep our prices as low as possible and give you the best deals we can. But when the prices of our upstream providers change, we have to change ours as well.

As of today, the new prices apply to all new domain registrations, domain transfers, and domain renewals. Customers who already have one or more of the above TLDs will see the new prices when they renew their registrations. 

Customers who have a recurring contract that includes an affected TLD will have their contract changed in the next 7 days. Our ticketing system will let them know about the coming change.

After we change the prices on our end, we will change all invoices for active and expired domains that use any of the affected TLDs. Again, clients whose bills already include TLD registrations will see the price change in the next 7 days.

Mujica Hosting - DNSSEC accessible in your Control Panel

Mujica Hosting - DNSSEC accessible in your Control Panel

DNSSEC accessible in your Control Panel The DNS framework is one of the foundations of the Internet as far as we might be concerned. It considers area names, such as to be utilized rather than IP addresses, like Nonetheless, similar to any framework, it's not 100 percent great and has a few weaknesses, which can be taken advantage of. DNSSEC was made to address and address these weaknesses. (more…)